We support the Piscataway Public Library in its mission to provide opportunities for all members of the community to learn and connect. As a partner of the Piscataway Public Library, we secure and responsibly manage gifts and contributions from individuals, businesses and foundations to build a better Piscataway Public Library.
Your support means a better Piscataway Public Library, which means a better future for Piscataway. Together we can build a more vibrant Library – one where new and exciting learning opportunities are always just around the corner.
Libraries enrich the lives of everyone in our community. Donating to the Piscataway Public Library Foundation keeps the Piscataway Public Library strong and vibrant, and a good library can change lives.
If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved, please contact Kathleen DiGiulio at kathleen@piscatawaylibrary.org or 732-630-7497.